About Arto

Hello there! I’m Arto, and this here is my website and occasionally updated blog.

I’m a social scientist with a computer science twist. I wrote a dissertation on affective political polarization and otherwise worked on research projects as quantitative and computational methods dude for the last decade or so. Most recently, I’ve been a data scientist at Yle News Lab. Ultimately, I hope to do my small part to help humanity live long and prosper.

I’m also looking for new things to do professionally, either inside or outside academia — feel free to contact me if you think I would be a good match for your company, project, or whatever else you have in mind.

Besides that, I’m into lindy hop and other social dances, meditation, board games and role-playing games, and understanding differing points of view. I’m often found online using the pseudonym aasitus. One could translate this as ‘the act of donkeying’ or as an obscure slang word for a ‘scam’, but probably shouldn’t.

I looked pretty much like this in late 2020, and haven’t grown too much hair since then.